How ideology fits

An ideology is a matter of how the dominant institutions in society work through things such as values, attitudes, conceptions of the world, its institutions, cultures and peoples and symbol systems, in order to legitimise the current order and power structures so that these are perceived to be "for the best", "natural" or "common sense".
Briefly, this legitimisation is managed through the widespread teaching (the social adoption) of ideas about the way things are, how the world ‘really’ works and should work. These ideas (often embedded in symbols and cultural practices) orient people’s thinking in such a way that they accept the current way of doing things, the current sense of what is ‘natural,’ and the current understanding of their roles in society. This socialization process – the shaping of our cognitive and affective interpretations of our social world – is called, by Gramsci, hegemony it is carried out, Althusser writes, by the ‘state ideological apparatuses’ – by the churches, the schools, the family, and through cultural forms (such as literature, rock music, advertising, sitcoms, etc.)

Although when a group of people do not fit the 'normal' ideology and have a different set of ideas they begin to make up there own ideology. This is what has happened to people in the modified world, they have made there own community where they feel comfortable and safe without feeling 'un natural' as main stream society may make them feel.

Some people feel part of a group through the way in which they dress for example the mods and rockers in the 1960's distuinguished themselves from society on this principle. Nowadays dress is not just the only way in which you can do this, but the forms of body modification taking place is becoming a fundemental way of showing that you are not mainstream. Although the lizard man stated that he believed that body modification such as the dress of the mods and rockers is just the methodology of a certain ideology. That there is a more fundemental belief behind just the modification of the human body.

In non verbal communication there are many things that go into how we communicate non verbally. Referrung to body modification the message in which we send out to poeple we come into contact with can be very important to how they view and therefore treat us. Argyle 1983 drives 'persistent tendencies to pursue goals' are of three varieties, one of which is socal acceptance. The lizard man when asked stated that he believes society doesn't shy away from body moficification 'No, societies directly address body modification by specifying which forms of it are accepted and which forms are taboo - these "rules" about the body tend to be among of the clearest defining aspects of various societies'
 The orientation of a person can show many things such as how close a relationship you have etc, if someone has a body modification this can make people feel that they can not come to close to them as they may be intimidated or belief that they will hold nothing in common as it displays an iddeology that goes against the norm. This is turn can make the modified person feel that they can not build relationbships with non modified people making the need for there to be a group with their own ideology more significant. Eye contact is one important way in which we can communicat eeour feeling towards other people, if some one is modified especially in the facial area it could make eye contact problematic, as people in general don't like to stare or draw attention to things, if eye contact is not met it could be taken that the person in question doesnt like the modified person. If the person persists to stare it could be taken as in the animal kingdom that it could be seen as intimadating and the modified person may become defensive making it very difficult for a relationship to be formed. Facial expressions are a massive indicator to how some one feels. The human face has a large varied system of muscles used to make a huge range of facial expressions. Body modifications to the facial area can hinder the use of these muscles for a period of time maybe even indefinately making it harder for people to read your expression clearly.